Cyber Espionage and Hacking: The story delves into the world of cyber warfare, where skilled hackers manipulate critical infrastructure, disrupt communication networks, and infiltrate government systems. Visualized by scenes of hackers working in dimly lit rooms, typing furiously as they breach firewalls and gain access to classified information. Political Intrigue and Betrayal: Illustrates the tension between political leaders who are unaware of the impending disaster and the hidden militants within their ranks. Shows clandestine meetings, coded messages, and double agents working to destabilize governments. We see striking visuals of politicians in shadowy corridors, whispering secrets. Nuclear Countdown: As the plot unfolds, the countdown to nuclear launch sequences begins. We see military personnel in control rooms, their faces etched with anxiety, as they grapple with the weight of their decisions stemming from failure to prepare. Contrasting colors convey the urgency and gravity of the situation. Global Panic and Chaos: Once the nuclear holocaust begins, there is chaos on a global scale. Cities in flames, panicked crowds, and desperate attempts at evacuation. Dynamic compositions capture the intensity of the moment - people running, sirens blaring, and mushroom clouds rising. These are the nightmares in the minds of better informed, John Storm, Dan and Hal. John Storm’s Quest: As a reluctant hero, he stumbles upon the conspiracy. We follow his journey - from uncovering clues to confronting the militants, and rescue of the terrified world leaders; the root cause. Sharing his internal struggle as he grapples with the enormity of the threat and the choices he must make to save the world.



WWIII3 Cyber Nuclear Holocaust is an original John Storm political espionage thriller. This plot offers a thrilling adventure for John Storm, with high stakes, international intrigue, and a race against time.










SYNOPSIS - DOOMSDAY (GRAND SLAM) GAMBIT - Disillusioned extremists in Iran, North Korea and Russia, grow impatient waiting for their leaders to act decisively, before they are too old. Having watched the Ukraine debacle of Vladimir Putin rebound to weaken their CRINK axis members. This despite Hamas launching against Israel and Houthi attacks on the Red Sea. All that had the effect of, was waking the sleeping giant: NATO.


They hatch a plot to kidnap top politicians from the west to create confusion, as a prelude to an all out nuclear attack, having first stockpiled sufficient gold and weapons reserves, and fallout bunkers for their cells, to be able to stage a second wave of conventional attacks, to in effect, take over the world after the planned nuclear holocaust. Including assassinating their jaded leaders: Xi Jinping; Iranian Grand Ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, and Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of communist North Korea.





John Storm, the intrepid ocean adventurer is disturbed by the increasingly aggressive operations of the CRINKs, which Hal has identified as a coordinated effort on the part of extremist dictator heads of state with radical religious or communist views, to destabilize the democratic free world. This is a Bourne Identity/James Bond style narrative.


In conjunction with the CyberCore Genetica, Hal has identified a Russian backed plot to kidnap Joe Biden, Volodomyr Zelenskiy and the head of NATO. They fail in a few cases.


This is a covert black op, funded by the back door, such as not to be backward traceable. This is a plan cooked up by an increasingly erratic Vladimir Putin, that despite the backlash implications, Iranian Grand Ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, and Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of communist North Korea, backed the attempts - as befitted their master agenda: Special Operation Kingpin. The trio then abandoned the plan to the relief of Xi Jinping.


China abstained, Xi Jinping shutting his eyes to what he imagined was yet another provocation of the West. Content, and with the assurance of his generals. That no matter the level of foolishness of his CRINK counterparts, his nations would survive the inevitable nuclear holocaust.


'WWIII3 CYBER WARS' is an original political thriller in the John Storm franchise, featuring the Elizabeth Swann and Hal.

The rights to this exciting adventure have been acquired in connection with the Cleaner Ocean Foundation's ocean awareness and blue growth 'CliFi' campaigns, in support of the UN's Circular Economy agenda and Sustainability Development Goals. COF is seeking producers and directors.




Logline: John Storm, a super-enhanced scientist-turned-secret agent, races to stop Red Dragon, part of a criminal syndicate utilizing cyber warfare and ruthless triads, from triggering a nuclear war and seizing global power. All while battling the ever-present threat of climate change.

Cyber Espionage and Hacking: The story delves into the world of cyber warfare, where skilled hackers manipulate critical infrastructure, disrupt communication networks, and infiltrate government systems. Visualized by scenes of hackers working in dimly lit rooms, typing furiously as they breach firewalls and gain access to classified information. Political Intrigue and Betrayal: Illustrates the tension between political leaders who are unaware of the impending disaster and the hidden militants within their ranks. Shows clandestine meetings, coded messages, and double agents working to destabilize governments. We see striking visuals of politicians in shadowy corridors, whispering secrets. Nuclear Countdown: As the plot unfolds, the countdown to nuclear launch sequences begins. We see military personnel in control rooms, their faces etched with anxiety, as they grapple with the weight of their decisions stemming from failure to prepare. Contrasting colors convey the urgency and gravity of the situation. Global Panic and Chaos: Once the nuclear holocaust begins, there is chaos on a global scale. Cities in flames, panicked crowds, and desperate attempts at evacuation. Dynamic compositions capture the intensity of the moment - people running, sirens blaring, and mushroom clouds rising. These are the nightmares in the minds of better informed, John Storm, Dan and Hal. John Storm’s Quest: As a reluctant hero, he stumbles upon the conspiracy. We follow his journey - from uncovering clues to confronting the militants, and rescue of the terrified world leaders; the root cause. Sharing his internal struggle as he grapples with the enormity of the threat and the choices he must make to save the world.



Unique Premise: This isn't your typical spy thriller. We blend high-octane action with environmental consciousness, tapping into a growing audience demographic.

Eco-Thriller with Bite: John isn't just saving the world from bad guys; he's using his scientific expertise to find eco-friendly solutions even amidst global chaos.

Beyond the Bang: Forget tired remakes. John Storm offers a compelling original story with global consequences, showcasing the devastating impact of both cyber warfare and nuclear winter on our planet.

A Hero for Our Times: John Storm is a complex character – a scientist with a conscience, a fighter with a cause. He embodies the audience's desire for heroes who tackle both environmental and geopolitical threats.

John Storm is more than just a franchise. He's a platform for captivating stories that explore:

Join us in creating a thrilling, thought-provoking action franchise that resonates with today's audiences and leaves a lasting impact.


Publishing and film making provides thousands of jobs and massive export potential, keeping the world entertained, informed and employed.












CHAPTER 1.    - ISTANBUL, TURKEY, THE BOSPHORUS STRAIT, BYZANTIUM TABLETS, SUNKEN REMAINS NEAR CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKISH MUSEUMJohn Storm, on a routine artifact dive in the Bosphorus, Istanbul, stumbles upon a coded message hidden within a smuggled Sumerian tablet captured by Blue Shield. The message reveals a chilling covert alliance (Triad) - Russia, Iran, and North Korea - codenamed "Red Dragon" - are planning a coordinated attack. Their goal: global domination.


CHAPTER 2.    - KIDNAP CHAOS - 'RED DRAGON' - THE CONTROLLING CELL FOR 'OPERATION GRAND SLAM,' WITH 'GOLDEN CAGE,' & 'MIDNIGHT SUN': Phase One: The Kidnapping Chaos. 'Red Dragon,' using advanced sleeper cells and cyberwarfare, orchestrates the abduction of key political figures from the West - the US President, the British Prime Minister - Keir Starmer, the French President - Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor - Olaf Scholz. Cutting off the heads of the corrupt capitalist Dragon.


CHAPTER 3.    - JILL BIRD, BBC ANCHOR - NEWS REPORT, KIDNAP CHAOS - DEMANDS - MARKETS IN TURMOIL: World military are thrown into disarray, communication channels are jammed, and financial markets plummet - It's a Fire Sale. 'Red Dragon' broadcasts a chilling message, threatening to kill the kidnap victims, if their demands are not met. The demands (vast resource concessions) being a feint.


CHAPTER 4.    - THE MASTERMIND - The plan is orchestrated by a shadowy figure deep within the Iranian government, General Reza Shah. Shah believes the West is on the verge of collapse and seeks to exploit their weakness for global domination. He's been secretly stockpiling gold and weapons for years, along with building a network of fallout shelters for the Triad underground elite, about which the West appear oblivious.


CHAPTER 5.   -  OPERATION GRAND SLAM - Intrigued, Storm deciphers the message with the help of a former Russian intelligence agent turned informant, Katya Volkov. With international order on the brink, Hal, recognizing the coded language from the tablet, deciphers the Triad's plan. John inadvertently teams up with a brilliant but jaded ex-KGB agent, Nadia Petrova, who knows the inner workings of the Triad from eavesdropping years before. Nadia sends anonymous regular messages to John. John and Katya discover they reference a sinister plot: "Operation Grand Slam" - The Motive to create global chaos as a prelude to an all out nuclear attack.

"Red Dragon" - North Korea, coordinating joint operations, targeting Iran and North Korea leaders in Operation Grand Slam. "Midnight Sun" - A cell to abduct key USA and European leaders, western politicians for kidnapping - and - Golden Cage: Refers to a joint operation by Russia (Red Dragon) and North Korea (Midnight Sun) targeting key Western politicians for coordinated kidnappings and transits.


CHAPTER 6.    JOHN RACES TO NAPLES, JUST TOO LATE TO STOP KIDNAPPINGS  John and Katya race against time to prevent a series of high-profile kidnappings, seemingly chasing tails as though Red Dragon has intel - the US President on route to G7 summit Naples - Joe Biden was already missing, so too the British Prime Minister. The French President, and the German Chancellor were thought to be next. Red Dragon triggers kidnap commands timed to opportunistic venues. Of which G7 is ideal for remaining Europeans. Leaving Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Ali Khamenei.


CHAPTER 7.    - OUT OF TIMEThey travel to Tripoli, ending in Bierut, where the trail leading to Ali Khamenei, Jinping and Jong Un deciphering clues inadvertently left behind by the kidnappers. Each location tests John's deciphering skills and Katya's knowledge of international espionage. But even with Hal they are too late - the trail disappears. The Cells capture their hostages just minutes before John gets to the sites.




CHAPTER 8.    - A MOLE: One of the kidnapped leaders is suspected as being a double agent working for Shah. This throws John and Katya off track, forcing them to question the allegiances of the hostages. Hal fails to identify any incriminating communications.


CHAPTER 9.    - PRISONERS: The chase leads to a secret underground facility in Iran, where the politicians are being held captive. It is seemingly impregnable reinforced concrete, much like a super bank vault, near Char Bahar, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea. It is impregnable, without harming the hostages. This is the Golden Cage, the European cell was named after.


CHAPTER 10.  - CHAR BAHAR: John and Katya must infiltrate the heavily guarded complex and free the hostages before a nuclear strike is launched on major Western cities. Hal calculates that a nuclear launch is imminent, where brute force hacking at NORAD and other military bases is detected. The clock is ticking, and John now realizes that the kidnappings are diversionary tactics. But still he pushes on.


CHAPTER 11.  - MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Having taken out the perimeter guards, John and Katya finally succeed in gaining access to the prisoners the old fashioned way with thermal lances - a seemingly impossible mission - freeing the hostages - and transferring the bewildered heads of state to the Swann by RIB. Then the Swann vanishes into the Arabian Sea for a rendezvous with an ageing USS Vermont, Virginia class nuclear submarine. During transit, the freed captives talk through John freely, Hal interpreting telepathically. The freed prisoners cannot believe he understands so many languages. And his grasp on politics.


CHAPTER 12.  - BBC WORLD NEWS: Jill Bird item exposes Shah's plan to the world, discovering and revealing his identity as leader of Red Dragon, a Cell operating somewhere in the Middle East, and turning the tide against him. Revealed by Katya Volkov to John as she admits to having had an affair with the handsome Iranian General many years previously and was cast aside, left for dead. Adding pressure to an already knife edge plan for the Triads.


CHAPTER 13.  - CYBER CHESS GRAND MASTER: A high-stakes battle ensues involving advanced weaponry and cunning strategy. With launch and abort codes changing by the minute as US, Chinese, and Russian military are running at full pelt to stand still - helpless against cyber attacks. It's Military main frames from three locations versus Hal and John Storm, as the fastest computer CyberCore Genetica™ fends off brute force worms and viruses. It's a standoff without a final solution. Hal and CyberCore Genetica effectively block and counter, but need to locate the Cells that are hosting the attacks.


CHAPTER 14.  - BASE 37 NUCLEAR STRIKE: In cyber defeat and frustrated, Red Dragon attempts to strike fear into their targets with three small devices in Beijing, Moscow and Washington. Two devices are detected and defused. The third detonates at Base 37. This is a last-ditch effort by Shah's loyalists, saying to the world they are not safe, thumbing their noses at the CIA, FSB, MI6, Interpol and other agencies. Meantime, stockpiles of missiles by the superpowers remain a tempting target for other extremists that must be eliminated, with the assistance of John's new 'world-leader' friends.




CHAPTER 15.  - PLAYING WITH FIRE: Hal, John and Katya, disable the launch sequence for the Russian missiles. But cannot trace the source code, meaning transmissions could all begin again. Iranian and Chinese missiles are still a danger. The situation could rebound against Red Dragon; if only communist missiles are deactivated. While US and European missiles could still destroy the antagonists countries. Their plan could backfire. All hard lines are cut to Russian, Chinese and Iranian missiles, then manually shut down. Submarine missiles are systematically deactivated. Finally, US hard lines are cut, and submarine missile systems manually turned off. The world breathes a sigh of relief, Jill Bird reporting.


CHAPTER 16.  - TREBLE AGENT: One of the kidnapped leaders is identified as secretly sympathetic to Shah's cause. His identity becomes known during debriefing, when John (with Hal present telepathically) connects the dots, and he is turned around as a treble agent, used to penetrate further into the Red Dragon Cell, and close that and hunt down, then arrest of General Reza Shah.


CHAPTER 17.  - BLOODHOUNDS: John and Katya work together to track down Shah's remaining Cells, devout followers who fight to the death. John prevails to prevent further chaos. Within and from these Cells, they obtain valuable intelligence, much needed passwords and the like. 


CHAPTER 18.  - ATOMIC GOOD SAMARITAN: Using their new information, they take back control of the launch codes for the Iranian and Chinese missiles. The temporary administrations in China, Iran and North Korea plead with John Storm for his help. Not that he wasn't working double time to save them, but with Hal's help and using the CyberCore Genetica, they finally defuse the situation. Control of their missiles is restored. Then neutralized. All hail to John Storm.


CHAPTER 19.  KNIGHTS OF THE GARTER: The root cause of Red Dragon is revealed as discontent brewing from 2014, when Tony Blair deceived Parliament with false intelligence, so initiating the invasion of Iraq by way of a coalition with US President George Walker Bush. The Brits knighting their own for such corruption, and intelligence abuses was the last straw. As the seeds of hate were revealed, another Petition succeeds in Blair's KG honour being reviewed with Keir Starmer making sincere public apology to Iraq. With a promise that the British honours system will be examined, such as not to ignite future Red Dragons.


CHAPTER 20.  CRIME OF PASSION: Katya Volkov has a hidden agenda of her own - revenge over a jilted romance, being used and left for dead. She takes out Reza Shah, a a personal and simmering crime of passion - after he goads her, saying how she was used to obtain information taunting her about Nadia Petrova - before John can stop her the General is dead. Honour satisfied, she collapses from shock, the experience strengthens their partnership, hinting at future adventures; maybe. John making a mental note not to dally with her emotions thus. A final message is delivered anonymously: Job done!


CHAPTER 21.  - NATIONS REUNITED: The world grapples with the fallout of the attack, both literal and geopolitical. A broadcast transmitted all across the globe, from all the kidnap victims speaking as one voice, assures the world that they will now multiply their efforts to work together to resolve their differences. The first step being to dismantle their nuclear stockpiles, and agree never to replenish such weapons of mass destruction. One warning like this being seen as enough. John receives several honours. Including the 'Hero of the Russian Federation' (replacing the Order of Lenin), People's Republic of China Friendship Medal, Purple Heart (for being injured while a temporary US Navy SEAL) and after some debate, the Victoria Cross, in place of the at first suggested George Cross. And finally, the Nobel Peace Prize awarded in Oslo, to a standing ovation at a UN General assembly later that year. Making John the winner of a Guinness Book of Records entry and certificate, for the person with most multi-national decorations from a single mission.






In the ?rst fraction of a millisecond after the bomb strikes the Pentagon, there is light. Soft X-ray light with a very short wavelength. The light superheats the surrounding air to millions of degrees, creating a massive ?re-ball that expands at millions of miles per hour. Within seconds, this ?reball increases to a diameter of a little more than a mile, its light and heat so intense that concrete surfaces explode, metal objects melt or evaporate, stone shatters, humans instantaneously convert into combusting carbon. The ?ve-story, ?ve-sided structure and everything inside its 6.5 million square feet of office space explodes into superheated dust; all 27,000 Pentagon employees perishing instantly.



WASHINGTON DC - A 1-megaton thermonuclear weapon detonation begins with a flash of light and heat so tremendous it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend. One hundred and eighty million degrees Fahrenheit is four or five times hotter than the temperature at the center of the sun.

In the first fraction of a millisecond after the bomb strikes the Pentagon, there is light. Soft X-ray light with a very short wavelength. The light superheats the surrounding air to millions of degrees, creating a massive fire-ball that expands at millions of miles per hour. Within seconds, this fireball increases to a diameter of a little more than a mile, its light and heat so intense that concrete surfaces explode, metal objects melt or evaporate, stone shatters, humans instantaneously convert into combusting carbon. The five-story, five-sided structure and everything inside its 6.5 million square feet of office space explodes into superheated dust; all 27,000 Pentagon employees perishing instantly.

Not a single thing in the fireball remains.

Traveling at the speed of light, the radiating heat from the fireball ignites everything flammable several miles out in every direction. Curtains, paper, books, wood fences, people’s clothing, dry leaves explode into flames and become kindling for a great firestorm that begins to consume a 100-or-more-square-mile area that was home to some 6 million people.

Northwest of the Pentagon, all 639 acres of Arlington National Cemetery — including the visitors paying respects on this early spring afternoon, the groundskeepers mowing the lawn and the white-gloved members of the Old Guard keeping watch over the Tomb of the Unknowns — are instantly transformed into combusting and charred human figurines Those incinerated are spared the unprecedented horror that begins to be inflicted on the 1 to 2 million more gravely injured people not yet dead in this first nuclear strike.

Across the Potomac River, the marble walls and columns of the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials super-heat, burst apart, and disintegrate. The steel and stone bridges and highways connecting the surrounding environs heave and collapse. To the south, the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City is obliterated. Ceiling joists, two-by-fours, escalators, chandeliers, rugs, furniture, mannequins, dogs, squirrels, people burst into flames and burn. 

Three seconds pass. There’s a baseball game going on at Nationals Park. The clothes on a majority of the 35,000 visitors catch on fire. Those who don’t quickly burn to death suffer intense third-degree burns, their bodies stripped of the outer layer of skin. Third-degree burns require immediate specialized care to prevent death. Here inside the park there might be a few thousand people who somehow survive initially, people now desperately in need of a bed at a burn treatment center. But all of them are almost certainly now destroyed. 

Within seconds, thermal radiation from this nuclear bomb attack on the Pentagon has deeply burned the skin on roughly 1 million more people, 90% of whom will die. Defense scientists and academics alike have spent decades doing this math. Most won’t make it more than a few steps from where they happen to be standing when the bomb detonates. They become what civil defense experts referred to in the 1950s, when these gruesome calculations first came to be, as “Dead When Found.” Humans created the nuclear weapon in the 20th century to save the world from evil, and now, in the 21st century, the nuclear weapon is about to burn it all down.

Embedded in the thermonuclear flash of light are two pulses of thermal radiation. The first pulse lasts a fraction of a second, after which comes the second pulse, which lasts several seconds and causes human skin to ignite and burn. The intense heat that follows creates a high-pressure wave that moves out from its center point like a tsunami, a giant wall of highly compressed air traveling faster than the speed of sound. It mows people down, hurls others into the air, bursts lungs and eardrums, sucks bodies up and spits them out. 

As the nuclear fireball grows, this shock front delivers catastrophic destruction, pushing out like a bulldozer and moving three miles farther ahead. The air behind the blast wave accelerates, creating several-hundred-mile-per-hour winds. It destroys everything in its immediate path, instantly changing the physical shapes of engineered structures including office buildings, apartment complexes, monuments and museums — they disintegrate and become dust. That which is not crushed by blast is torn apart by whipping wind. Buildings collapse, bridges fall, cranes topple over. Objects as small as computers and cement blocks, and as large as 18-wheeler trucks and double-decker tour buses, become airborne like tennis balls.

The nuclear fireball rises up like a hot-air balloon. Up from the earth it floats, at a rate of 250 to 350 feet per second. Thirty-five seconds pass. The formation of the iconic mushroom cloud begins, its massive cap and stem, made up of incinerated people and civilization’s debris, transmutes from a red, to an brownish-orange hue. Next comes the deadly reverse suction effect, with objects — cars, people, light poles, street signs, parking meters, steel carrier beams — getting sucked back into the center of the burning inferno and consumed by flame.

Sixty seconds pass. The cap stretches out some 30 miles. Radioactive particles rain down on the Earth and its people as deadly fallout. More than a million are dead or dying. Less than two minutes have passed. Now the inferno begins, different from the initial fireball; it is a mega-fire beyond measure. Gas lines explode one after the next, spewing steady streams of fire. Tanks containing flammable materials burst open. Chemical factories explode. Pilot lights on water heaters and furnaces act like torch lighters, setting anything not already burning alight. Collapsed buildings become like giant ovens. People, everywhere, burn alive.

Open gaps in floors and roofs behave like chimneys. Carbon dioxide from the firestorms sinks down and settles into the metro’s subway tunnels, asphyxiating riders in their seats. People seeking shelter in basements and other spaces below ground vomit, convulse, become comatose, and die. Anyone aboveground who is looking directly at the blast — in some cases as far as 13 miles away — becomes blinded.

Seven and a half miles out from ground zero (in the 5 psi zone), cars and buses crash into one another. Asphalt streets turn to liquid from the intense heat, trapping survivors as if caught in molten lava. Hurricane-force winds fuel hundreds of fires into thousands of fires, into millions of them. Hot burning ash and flaming wind-borne debris ignite new fires, and one after another they conflate. All of Washington, DC, becomes one complex firestorm.

ens of thousands of people here have ruptured lungs. Crows, sparrows, and pigeons flying over-head catch on fire and drop from the sky as if it is raining birds. 

The localized electromagnetic pulse of the bomb obliterates all radio, internet, and TV. There’s no electricity. No phone service. No 911. Cars with electric ignition systems in a several-mile ring outside the blast zone cannot restart. Water stations can’t pump water. Saturated with lethal levels of radiation, the entire area is a no-go zone for first responders.

The US government has been rehearsing plans for, a General Nuclear War. A nuclear World War III that is guaranteed to leave, at minimum, 2 billion dead. Yet, there are no bunkers for civilians, and no early warning sirens.






Experts are saying that the Blast Radius of a nuclear strike would instantly vaporize everything within a 1.2-mile radius. [1] Landmarks like the London Eye, Chinatown, and the National Theatre would be obliterated, along with the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge and all high rise office blocks, feeding the London Stock Exchange. [2] Radiation fallout would spread beyond the blast zone, affecting a wider area. Anyone exposed within a 6.8-mile radius would likely suffer severe burns and radiation sickness, as with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. [1]

Infrastructure damage would include most residential buildings within the blast radius, which would collapse. [2] Roads, bridges, and public transportation would be severely disrupted. The utilities, power grids, water supply, and communication networks would fail.

Within the 6.5-mile blast radius, buildings would be severely damaged or destroyed. [1] The fireball would span approximately 43.75 square miles, affecting areas like Holloway, Brixton, and Kensington [1]. Radiation fallout would extend up to 30.98 square miles, reaching beyond the blast zone. This contamination would render many areas unsafe for habitation and development. [1] Properties within the blast radius would lose almost all value due to destruction and contamination. Even properties slightly outside the blast zone would suffer reduced value due to proximity and fear of radiation exposure.









Admiral Lawrence Francis Percival 

First Sealord, British Royal Navy

Antonio Guterres

United Nations' Secretary General

Ark, The

The world's most comprehensive interactive DNA database

Benjamin Reid Blakestone RN

Submariner Commander HMS Neptune (Captain)


A digital communication interface for the human brain

Captain Nemo

AI onboard computer system

Charley Temple

Researcher & camerwoman, good friend of John Storm

CyberCore Genetica

The world's smallest, fastest & most powerful supercomputer

Dan Hawk

Electronics & computer wizard, crew member Elizabeth Swann

Dr Roberta Treadstone

Blue Shield, Newcastle University, England

Elizabeth Swann HMHS British Royal Navy

World's fastest solar/hydrogen ship & floating laboratory

Excalibur, Pendragon & Merlin

Anti piracy weapon & ship security system

George Franks

Legal and intelligence trust manager, Swindles & Gentry


The onboard AI supercomputer ship manager

Jill Bird

Senior BBC news world service anchor

Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

John Storm

Ocean adventurer, marine archaeologist, Commander RN

King Charles III

British Monarch in waiting: King William, Prince of Wales

King William V

British royal rushed into hiding with Queen Catherine


Elizabeth Swann's onboard survey ROV

Professor Douglas Storm

John Storm's uncle, designer of Elizabeth Swann

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO sunken realms division, conservationist

Queen Catherine

Royal consort to King William V - Charlotte, George & Louis

Richard Leon (Lionheart) Engelheart

Lieutenant, a brave submariner HMS Neptune

SSN Neptune

Stricken Astute nuclear sub with Spearfish torpedoes

Steve Green

Freelance reporter, friend of Charley Temple

Suki Hall

A marine biologist, admirer of John's work

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor, always looking for an exclusive

Trish Lippard

Cleopatra's call sign to protect her royal identity

William Liam Wallace

Scottish director BAE Systems, MOD contractor, whistleblower




Ali Khamenei

Iranian Grand Ayatollah

Chuck Kowalski

Midnight Sun - military Triad Cell lead (Americas)

Donald Trump

Former 45th President of the United States of America

Emmanuel Macron

French President

General Reza Shar

Red Dragon triad mastermind, of Operation Grand Slam

Giovanni Romano

Golden Cage - military Triad Cell lead (Europe)

Golden Cage (Giovanni Romano)

Military Triad Cell covering Europe, French, German & UK targets

Joe Biden

President USA (46th)

Harry (Dirty) Hallem Holland

Chief Constable - Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police)

Katya Volkov

Russian intelligence FSB double agent, would be defector

Keir Starmer

British Prime Minister

Kim Jong Un

Supreme leader North Korea

Midnight Sun (Chuck Kowalski)

Military Triad Cell covering American and Canadian targets

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India

Nadia Petrova

Former KGB agent helping Katya and John anonymously

Nick (The Devil) Johnson MP

Corrupt UK Minister for Defence, oil investor

Olaf Scholz

German Chancellor

Red Dragon (Reza Shar)

Military Triad Cell covering Africa, Asia, Iran, Russia & N Korean CRINKs

Sir Rodney Vernon Dunbar

MI6 military intelligence (General) oil investor

Tony Blair

Former British PM, invaded Iraq on false intelligence

Vladimir Putin

Russian President

Xi Jinping

President People's Republic of China







Two hundred 200 seconds and it's all over: Russian missiles to destroy Europe and London



APRIL 2022 - Chairman of the nationalist Rodina party, Aleksey Zhuravlyov, pondered what would happen if Russia launched nuclear weapons against the UK, saying: 'one Sarmat missile and the British Isles will be no more.'

When pulled up on the comment by one of the hosts, he insisted he was 'saying this seriously', while another host added that the UK has nuclear weapons too and that 'no one will survive in this war'.
[Except those with bunkers, food stockpiles and very fast early warning systems]

Producers on the show then showed viewers a map seeming to suggest missiles could be launched from Kaliningrad, the Russian enclave between Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea. It suggested these could reach Berlin in 106 seconds, Paris in 200 seconds and London in 202 seconds.

It comes as the UK and other western nations continue in their support for Ukraine, with allies providing equipment, military vehicles and weapons to the beleaguered country. In response to the western support of Ukraine, war-mongering Putin ordered the military to test-fire its Sarmat missiles, which are also known as Satan II.

Putin bragged that his country's hypersonic missiles could 'break through all modern defences' and could be ready to strike the UK 'by autumn'.






[1] https:// millions-of-londoners-would-die-if-a-nuclear-bomb-was-dropped-on-the-uk- a3803036.html

[1] reveals-millions-of-londoners-would-die-if-a-nuclear-bomb-was-dropped- on-the-uk-a3803036.html









John Storm is awarded the 'Hero of the Russian Federation' medal (Russian: Герой Российской Федерации, romanized: Geroy Rossiyskoy Federatsii), also unofficially called Hero of Russia (Russian: Герой России, romanized: Geroy Rossii), is the highest honorary title of the Russian Federation. The title has a Gold Star medal, an insignia of honour that identifies recipients.

The title is awarded to persons for "service to the Russian state and nation, usually connected with a heroic feat of valour". The title is bestowed by decree of the president of the Russian Federation. Russian citizenship or being in the service of the Russian state is not obligatory.

The title was established in 1992 after the Order of Lenin ceased issue, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.


















This website is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

This is a work of fiction. Names and Characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, 

and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental, save for reference to heads of state, whose dialogue, actions and thoughts do not represent those of the actual persons. Being entirely fictional. All rights reserved.


The names Cleopatra's The Mummy,™ Elizabeth Swann,John Storm,™ Kulo Luna™  Solar Cola™ and Vikeen™ are trademarks, all rights reserved.