M A P   O F   T R E A S U R E   I S L A N D




The golden skull, Blackbeard's curse and pirates gold


Interesting Treasure Island logo





Acts of God - Violent and destructive natural events, sometimes seen as punishment for wickedness and evil, or injustices

Admiral Benbow, The - A tavern where Jim Hawkins lived

Adventure - An 8 gun sloop captured by Blackbeard

Adventurers - People who explore land and oceans, looking to solve riddles

AI - Artificial Intelligence, by way of computer programs that simulate human like responses

    - Chatbots on the John Storm franchise

    - Graduates, students, film making opportunities for up and coming actors, directors & producers

Alexander Spotswood - Governor of Virginia who with Lt. Maynard, sought to trap Blackbeard to discover his treasure

AmphiMax-Calypso - Beach launch and recovery system for SeaVax-Calypso seaweed harvesting machines

AmphiMax-Sargasso - Beach launch and recovery system for SeaVax-Sargasso seaweed cleaning machines

Anne - Queen 1665 - 1714

Apple Barrels - Carried on sailing ships to prevent the crew from getting scurvy

Artificial Intelligence, AI

Aztecs Empire - A Mesoamerican civilization in central Mexico 

Aztec gold - Treasure looted from central Mexico by the Spanish Conquistadors, Montezuma's Curse

Battle of Ocracoke, The - Where Lt. Robert Maynard boarded the Adventure, and killed the pirate Blackbeard in 1718

Ben Gunn - A marooned pirate who likes cheese

Benjamin Franklin - Founding father, Declaration of Independence, Blackbeard ballads

Bermuda Triangle - Area of the North Atlantic where ships and aircraft mysteriously disappear

Billy (One Eye) Bones - Is a dead shot marksman, ex SBS Royal Navy sailor, turned pirate adventurer

BioCore™ - Biological digital wireless communications interface, that revolutionizes medical monotoring

Blackbeard - Edward Teach, the Queen Anne's Revenge and Adventure

Blackbeard Island - Georgia, is a location where the pirate Edward Teach, may have buried some of his treasure

Blackbeard's Ghost - 1968 comedy starring Peter Ustinov, Walt Disney Studios

Black Dog - A pirate

Black Jack - Pirate computer hacker

Black Spot, The - A dreaded pirate sign

Bloody Triangle - Slave trading between Africa, England and the West Indies - Charles & James Stuart II

Blue Growth - Developing a sustainable marine economy; fishing, farming and transport

Blue Shield - Organization for the protection of our cultural heritage in times of unrest

British Geographical Society - BGS is a fictional thinkers club situated in Pall Mall, London, England

British Royal Navy - Admiralty and Ministry of Defence war office

Calypso - Highly rythmic form of African Kaiso music, origination on French owned plantations, spreading to most Caribbean islands

Captain Sir Henry Morgan - Buccaneer, turned privateer and Governor of Jamaica - Death 25th August 1688

Captain Flint - Long John Silver's pet parrot

Captain Nemo - AI autopilot named after Jules Verne's character in 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Caribbean Sea - A to Z of the West Indies islands: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin

                       Cayman, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Hispaniola, Jamaica

                       Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Roatan, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin

                       Saint Vincent, Sint Maarten, Tortuga, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos, Virgin US







Ceramics - Help crowd fund development of Blackbeard's Curse & Pirates Gold

CGI - Computer Generated Images for animation and live action film making

Characters - Blackbeard's Curse & Pirates Gold

Charles I King of England - 1600 to 1647

Charles II King of England - 1630 to 1685

Charles III - King of England 2022, COP 27, Buckingham Palace

Christopher Columbus - Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castile

Cleopatra The Mummy - John Storm adventure, using cloning tech to replicate the Queen of the Nile

Cli-Fi's - Climate Fiction genre

Colombian Navy - Armada de la Republica

Coracle - A small round boat

Curse of the Black Pearl - 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean, supernatural fantasy swashbuckler with Johhny Depp

CyberCore Genetica™ - The world's smallest, fastest, and most powerful nano-supercomputer

CyberWars WW3III™ - Anti-war peace campaign, with John Storm foiling a first strike global nuclear wipeout coup d'état

Dan Hawk - Computer wizard & electronics genius, crew member Elizabeth Swann

Davy Jones's Locker - The sailors devil, a chest at the bottom of the sea signifying passing and their final resting place

Dead (Man's) Chest Island - British Virgin Islands - Where Blackbeard marooned his unruly pirates in folklore

Dead men tell no tales - Pirates language or code for giving reason to kill another pirate for careless talk

Diamonds - Highly prized gemstones as treasure favoured by pirates

Doubloons - Coins minted from solid gold

Dr. Emmanuel Heath - Anglican Church rector, eye witness account of the earthquakes & tsunami at Port Royal 1692

Earthquake - Jamaica, Port Royal 7 June 1692 and tsunami

Edwin & Marion Link - Port Royal excavations 1959-1960

Elizabeth I - Good Queen Bess, the Spanish Armada, and her Sea Dogs, privateers

Elizabeth Swann - A high tech zero emission, autonomous ship, with AI - 1:20 scale demonstration model

England - Home of the the Admiralty, British naval forces who operated ships in the Caribbean and all over the world

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum

Flying Dutchman, The - A legendary ghost ship that never makes port

Evolution of man

Excalibur - The laser cannon aboard the Elizabeth Swann, Pendragon and Merlin

Fortress - A fortified building or town, typically sporting cannons and turrets

George I, King of England and Ireland 1714 - 1727 - Coronation riots for unpopular German royal

George Franks - International solicitor advocate, with offices in London and Sydney

Gold - Coins and bullion treasure of pirates - Top Ten richest countries in tons A-Z Index - IMF

Gold Standard - Richest countries in the world, top ten A to Z: China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan

                        Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, USA

Graphics - Blackbeard's Curse and Pirates Gold

Guineas - Gold coins

Haba - Children's board game: The Curse of the Pirate Gold (Das verfluchte piratengold)

HAL - The world's most advanced AI, artificially intelligent ship management supercomputer

Henry VII - Eighth King named Henry, English tyrannical (divine) ruler, beheadings without trial & six wives

Hispaniola - Schooner used to sail the Skeleton Island - Island of Hispaniola

Holy Compass, The - Quest for knowledge life eternal, the Cup of Christ or Grail

Hurricanes - Tropical revolving storms, very high winds

Hydrofoils - Underwater wings that lift boats and small ships clear of the waves, for hull efficiency

Incan Empire - Forced labour in gold and silver mines

Inca gold - An ancient South American civilization rich in precious metal objects stretching from the Andes to Pacific coast

Islands, Caribbean - A to Z index West Indies

James II - King of England, Scotland & Ireland - slave trader African Company, colonialist British Empire 1633-1701

Jeremiah Murphy - Discovery Fort James, Port Royal 1859

Jewels - Precious gemstones, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, pearls, jewellery

Jill Bird - BBC World Service, senior anchor and news editor

Jim Hawkins - Cabin boy

John Storm - A conservationist and amateur anthropologist, who is an ocean adventurer

Kiera Knightly - Elizabeth Swann in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean franchise

Kingston - The capital of Jamaica

Kulo-Luna - The $Billion dollar whale

Lego Brickipedia - Pirates of the Caribbean characters

LIDAR - Light Detection And Ranging

Lieutenant Robert Maynard - British Royal Navy, HMS Pearl, the man who killed Blackbeard

Lignum Vitae - Heavier than water Iron Wood, Guaiacum

Londoner's Island (Lunging) Isle of Shoals, Blackbeard & buried treasure, History Channel

Long John Silver - Pirate captain

Lord James Huntington - English aristocrat and professional treasure hunter

Maps - Treasure charts, usually written on waterproof velum or parchment

Mausoleums - Caskets Vs Coffins, Crypts, Vaults, final resting places RIP

Maya Empire -

Mayan gold - Ancient civilization from central America and southern Mexico, found to have substantial gold and silver treasures

Mexican Navy - Marina Armada de Mexico

Movies - Ten and more of the best and worst Treasure Island films (so far)

National Treasure 2004 film by Walt Disney, starring Nicholas Cage, Diane Kruger & Harvey Keitel

National Treasure 2007 Book of Secrets, starring Nicholas Cage, Diane Kruger & Harvey Keitel

Navigation - A skill that all pirates and naval officers needed to learn before the invention of GPS

Nazi Gold - Treasure hunters in search of sunken ships, buried trains and other hidden hordes

Nicaraguan Navy - Marina de Guerra Sandinista

Ocracoke, Battle Of - 22nd November 1718, Pamilco Sound, Carolina

Old Providence - Isla de Providencia, Columbia

Operation Neptune, the lost Kingdom of Atlantis - Original John Storm adventure story

Orgies - Port Royal and other pirate locations where morals are very low

Paleoanthropolgy - The study of the development of man

Palisadoes Cemetery - Old Port Royal, notable for the internment of Captain Sir Henry Morgan

Panamanian Navy - National Aeronaval Service

Parrots - Talking birds

Pearls - Valuable pirate tender

Pieces of Eight - The Spanish dollar is a coin made of silver

Piracy, Modern - The most dangerous waters for pirates

Pirates - Sailors who scour the sea for ships they can plunder

Pirates of the Caribbean - Series of Disney swashbuckling adventures starring Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow

                                   - The Curse of the Black Pearl 2003

                                   - Dead Man's Chest 2006

                                   - At World's End 2007

                                   - On Stranger Tides 2011

                                   - Dead Men Tell No Tales 2017

Plum Point - Bath Creek, North Carolina is a site where Blackbeard may have buried part of his treasure

Port Royal - The former capital of Jamaica, that got washed into the sea by a tsunami

Port Royal - UNESCO World Heritage Site, tentative listing, Jamaica

Puss In Boots Blackbeard's Curse - Dreamworks (Universal) animation proposed for 2024

Queen Anne of England 1665 - 1714, Queen Anne's Revenge (pirate ship)

Queen Anne's Revenge - Former French slave traders ship captured by Blackbeard, rediscovered wreckage historic site

Queen Anne's War - Spanish war of Succession, inter colonial fight for control of the American colonies

RADAR - Radio Detection And Ranging

Robert Louis Stevenson - Scottish novelist: Treasure Island, Kidnapped, The Curious Case of Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde

Robin John Longstride - A pirate known as 'John Long' to his shipmates. He has a parrot named Captain Flint and cooks

ROVs - Remotely Operated Vehicles, typically smaller underwater vessels for marine survey and salvage work

Rubies - Red gemstones highly prized by pirates

Rum - The devil drink of Jamaica, Captain Morgan's Rum

Sam Hollis - Freelance roving reporter, based in Trinidad, covering the Caribbean geographical regions

Sargassum - US Virgin Islands declares a state of emergency April 2022

Satisfaction - Henry Morgan's ship that sank in 1671 at Lajas Reef during a raid on Fort San Lorenzo

SBS - Special Boat Services, units of the Royal Navy dealing with highly classified Black Ops

SeaVax-Calypso - Floating, navigable seaweed harvesting machines for the Caribbean Sea

SeaVax-Sargasso - Floating seaweed harvesting machines for the Caribbean Island, serviced by AmphiMax-Sargasso launchers

Skeleton Island - An uncharted location known only to a few pirates, inhabited by numerous well positioned human skeletons

Scott Tremaine - Ship's captain and explorer

Script - Blackbeard's Curse and Pirates Gold

SCUBA Gear - Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, diving equipment and dive computers

Silver - Coins and bullion, pirates treasure, pieces of eight

Sir Rodney Baskerville - Professor of maritime history, specializing in shipwrecks and recovery

Skeleton IslandThe Map, Old Providence

Slavery, Slave Trading - Africans taken from Gold Coast and sold into slavery on colonial plantations

Smithsonian Magazine - March 2011, did archaeologists uncover Blackbeard's treasure on the Queen Anne's Revenge

Sovereigns - British solid gold minted coins, Henry VIII, 1489

Spain - Spanish Navy Española Marines - treasure ships, laden with gold and gemstones

Squire Trelawny - Treasure hunt sponsor

Stealth Ships - Vessels (including aircraft) that are invisible to radar

Storms - Hurricanes, rough seas and tornadoes

Sugar Plantations - Farms where cane is grown to produce sugar

Texas University - Institute of Nautical Archaeology: 1981 to 1990 excavations of old Port Royal

The Goonies - A treasure hunting yarn from 1985 based on the pirates map of One Eyed Willy

The Old Anchor Inn, Bristol

Top Ten Films - 10 best Treasure Island movies index

Tortuga - A favourite pirate haunt of old

Treasure Island Movies - 1934 MGM1950 RKO Walt Disney Pictures, 202? Universal & Mandeville

Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson

Treasure Trove - Who owns the treasure that is found buried or stashed away. Is it you or the State?

Tridents of Neptune and Poseidon 

Trisha Lippard - Cleopatra's alias, to protect her royal identity

Tsunami - A giant wave usually triggered by seismic activity such as an earthquake

Underwater Kingdom - Innerspace, is the opposite of outerspace

UNESCO - World Heritage Sites, top ten United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization

Universal & Mandeville Studios - Treasure Island under development Oct 2019 >>>

USS Port Royal CG73 - Navy warship named after battles in American Civil War and Revolution

Velum - Animal skin version of parchment

VFX - Visual Effects for animation and live action movie making

Virginia Beach - Chesapeake, North Carolina, is a spot where Blackbeard may have buried some of his treasure

Voodoo - The practice of black and white magic, now a recognised religion for its healing powers

Water - Traditionally kept in a barrel, but subject to 

William Gray - Former US Navy Captain

William V









This story is under development by Cleaner Ocean Foundation as a graphic novel & draft script - available on request. 




 Queen Cleopatra last Paraoh of Egypt - The Mummy              The Adventures of John Storm - Kulo Luna the $Billion Dollar Whale       The Holy Compass







Set course for HOME me hearties


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