C Y B E R C O R E G E N E T I C A ™
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The CyberCore Genetica™ super nano computer is small enough to wear on your wrist.
The CyberCore Genetica™ is the world's smallest, fastest, and most powerful super nano computer. In an open and transparent demonstration, to which all governments around the world, and the top computer companies were invited. The CyberCore outperformed the most powerful military mainframes that existed at that time, several million times over. Despite this, the top bidder was a secret organization coming out of Brazil, though, the identity and geographical location of the new owner, was protected. And the inventor of the system, thereafter disappeared off the grid, fearful that he would be imprisoned and interrogated by corrupt military, to force him to develop similar systems for. And indeed, that was what saved him, and gave John Storm the edge. If William Bates had not gone to ground, the CIA, FSB and MI6, all had plans to force the technology from the former NanoCom™ developer.
CyberCore Genetica works exceptionally well with the BioCore™ human brain interface, to give the user instant access to the web at incredible speed.
The BioCore interface was invented by German, Italian and Swiss scientists, in their quest to be able to clone, and replicate human subjects, and to enhance the genomes of living subjects. They did not get a chance to test their theories, when John and Dan raided their laboratories near Manaus, with assistance from the CIA, and confiscated much of their equipment, following the kidnap of Charley Temple and murder of Marjorie Boyle.
In the Cleopatra adventure preceding the search for Henry Morgan's missing treasure trove, Dan Hawk carried out an operation on John Storm, inserting a BioCore chip directly onto the Skipper's occipital lobe. This was the first successful operation of its kind. They also administered a CRISPR virus, to enhance John's DNA. In doing so, Dan, Cleopatra and Hal, created an artificially evolved species of super human they collectively named Kanis Rex.
John Storm is thereby transformed into the smartest and strongest person in the world. Cooperating with a group of international scientists, in the staging of a chess match against five champion masters and a military mainframe computer as a sixth player, beating them all simultaneously, with ease.
Draft scripts for Kulo-Luna and Cleopatra The Mummy are published with 'Treasure Island' under development for 2024 release. The three films could be shot back to back - as a franchise - to make the most of the Elizabeth Swann. Screenplays available in Final Draft format for Studio executives, producers & directors.
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Treasure Island artwork is Copyright © 2023 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or departed, is entirely coincidental.