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The Elizabeth Swann is equipped with the world's largest DNA archive, a collection that has taken John Storm a lifetime to find, classify, and code. When allied to the extremely powerful onboard AI, artificially intelligent supercomputer system, the Captain is able to see what the double helix strands represents.


Draft scripts for Kulo-Luna and Cleopatra The Mummy are published with 'Treasure Island' under development for 2024 release. The three films could be shot back to back - as a franchise - to make the most of the Elizabeth Swann. Screenplays available in Final Draft format for Studio executives, producers & directors.




The Ark is quite simply the world's largest and most comprehensive DNA collection in the world. Just about all life forms are included, catalogued and classified; flora and fauna.


When linked up to a very powerful computer combination such as Hal, and the CyberCore Genetica™, the DNA samples can be visualized, to identify the plant or animal it was taken from.


John has imported whole databases, where he is especially interested in human evolution, from Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, one of the most important paleoanthropological localities in the world; the Great Rift Valley. Held to be the cradle of life. A place that John has visited a number of times, for his studies, and is very fond of.


Today, police and military authorities store vast amounts of data, in fighting crime. While academics are more interested in identifying the spread of humans around the globe, or extinct species, such as dinosaurs, Neanderthal man, and Homo habilis.


Where John was injected with a virus that changed his DNA makeup, and where his new crewmate, Cleopatra, has been replicated from the DNA of the Egyptian Pharaoh Queen, that is well over a thousand years old, many people realise the potential for cloning famous people in history, and for curing themselves of a genetic disorder, or simply extending their lives, with a replicant.


The Ark is thus a target for criminals and military agencies, such as DARPA, MI6 and the CIA. With the Church also keen to prevent information dissemination that may upset believers. The very rich are also keen to buy into this technology, so they can (in effect) live forever. Seeing it as the font of knowledge, or the Cup of Christ. Though, as the technology is not for sale, John being the Keeper, wealthy antagonists appear from time to time. Willing to steal and even kill, to get their hands on the know-how.


For these reasons, it is fortunate that the Hydrogen and Solar powered trimaran has exceptional security built in, to prevent unauthorized boarding, and even fend off missile and torpedo attacks.


But, just to be sure, Professor Douglas Storm, introduced a multi-tier security and code system that are necessary to unlock the solid state storage device. That even his nephew, John, is not sure how it works.







Homo habilis, (Latin: “able man,” “handy man” "tool user") is an extinct species of human from the early Pleistocene, the most ancient representative of the human genus, Homo. Habilis inhabited parts of sub-Saharan East Africa from roughly 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago (mya). In 1959 and 1960 the first fossils were discovered at Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania. This discovery was a turning point in the science of paleoanthropology because the oldest previously known human fossils were Asian specimens of Homo erectus. Many features of Homo Habilis appear to be intermediate in terms of evolutionary development between the relatively primitive Australopithecus and the more-advanced Homo species such as Homo Sapiens.











Admiral Sir (Captain) Henry Morgan

Privateer & Governor of Jamaica

Ark, The

The world's largest, most comprehensive interactive DNA database


A digital communication interface for the human brain


Edward Teach, privateer turned pirate, tortured & murdered

Captain Nemo

AI onboard computer system

Charley Temple

Researcher & camerwoman, good friend of John Storm

CyberCore Genetica

The world's smallest, fastest and most powerful nano supercomputer

Dan Hawk

Computer wizard, gaming champion, crew member Elizabeth Swann

Dr Roberta Treadstone

Blue Shield, Newcastle University, England

Elizabeth Swann

Fastest solar/hydrogen ship & floating laboratory

Excalibur, Pendragon & Merlin

Anti piracy weapon & ship security system

George Franks

Legal and intelligence trust manager, Swindles & Gentry


The onboard AI supercomputer ship manager

Jill Bird

Senior BBC news presenter world service anchor

John Storm

Ocean adventurer, amateur anthropologist, & marine archaeologist

Katy, Kitty

The ships cat and lucky mascot

Professor Douglas Storm

John Storm's uncle, designer of Elizabeth Swann

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO sunken realms division, conservationist

Sam Hollis

BBC & Sky freelance investigative reporter Caribbean regions

Scott Tremaine

Treasure hunting professional & ships captain

Shui Razor

Japanese privateer, ocean conservationist and historian

Sir Rodney Baskerville

Professor of Maritime History & oceanographer

Steve Green

Freelance reporter, friend of Charley Temple

Suki Hall

A marine biologist, admirer of John's work

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor, always looking for an exclusive

Trisha Lippard

Cleopatra's call sign to protect her royal identity





Alexander Spotswood

Ambitious, (disgruntled) Governor of Virginia

Billy (Bones) One Eye

Pirate sailor, deadly marksman ex marines SBS

Captain Flint

John Long's pet parrot, pieces of eight

Commander James William Maynard

British Royal Navy, MOD, Antiquities & Acquisitions, Special Ops

Hispaniola, The

Lord Huntington's converted Arctic survey vessel

Jack Boon (Black Jack)

Pirate computer expert hacker

King Charles II

British Empire colonial slave trader, commissioner of privateers

King James II

British Royal African Company, slave trader, colonial bloody triangle

Lieutenant Robert Maynard

British naval officer, HMS Pearl, who tortured Blackbeard

Lord James Huntington

Opportunist, British Geographical Society member

Robin (John) Longstride

Pirate leader, bare knuckle fighter with silvery tongue

William Gray

Cashiered US Navy Captain, snitch & mastermind






In this adventure, Hal helps to fool the mutinous pirate crew of Lord Huntington's ship Hispaniola. It helps that the AI can communicate with the crew, without speaking conventionally. Hal enjoys this advantage, and once discovered, uses it to the full.





 The Adventures of John Storm - Kulo Luna the $Billion Dollar Whale       Queen Cleopatra last Paraoh of Egypt - The Mummy       







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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Treasure Island artwork is Copyright © 2023 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or departed, is entirely coincidental.