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Bristol, the Hispaniola
Sir Rodney Baskerville is a professor of maritime history, specializing in shipwrecks, salvage and recovery. He is also an oceanographer and practical sub aqua diver.
He has been a consultant on many legitimate treasure hunting expeditions, where gold coins and other valuable cargo has been recovered, amounting to $billions of dollars worth. Some of these expeditions relied on the intelligence and other, mathematical computations, of Baskerville and the academic institutions with which he sometimes collaborates.
Sir Rodney also represents treasure hunters in negotiations with the owners of ship wrecks. Advising not to disclose the location of a find, until the percentages and ownership or any items to be raised, are actually recovered. He is a shrewd businessman.
In this adventure, Sir Rodney has ties with MI6, and the British Geographical Society (BGS). Not to be confused with the Royal Geographical Society, or the Reform Club, both in London. He also works to further the aims of UNESCO generally, though cutting himself in for a slice of whatever pie is being shared out, so long as his portion is legal and agreed as such. Hence, his affiliations, that provide some leeway in deciding awards. He is partly instrumental in helping Lord Huntington obtain a percentage grant funding from the society, to survey the underwater city of Port Royal. Which is where John Storm comes in. Sir Rodney is tasked with supervising and cataloguing the data that Storm will provide, cheaper and more faithfully than any professional salvage company.
He is not in any way related to the fictional character and location, Sir Hugo Baskerville and Baskerville Hall, in the Sherlock Holmes adventure by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Though he knows of the legend of Squire Richard Cabell of Brook Hall, in the parish of Buckfastleigh, Devon, which was the fundamental inspiration for the Hound of the Baskerville's tale of a hellish canine and a cursed country squire. This is the subject of many after dinner jokes and jibes at his expense.
Rodney is also aware of the stunning, zero emission, Elizabeth
Swann. And has heard of the exploits of John Storm as an ocean and
climate campaigner, much admiring the daring of the conservationist in
risking his professional reputation - and wishing that he had such a ship
for use on his research. He is not aware of Lord Huntington's secret agenda
to find the location of Skeleton
Draft scripts for Kulo-Luna and Cleopatra The Mummy are published with 'Treasure Island' under development for 2024 release. The three films could be shot back to back - as a franchise - to make the most of the Elizabeth Swann. Screenplays available in Final Draft format for Studio executives, producers & directors.
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Treasure Island artwork is Copyright © 2023 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or departed, is entirely coincidental.