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Port Royal was washed into the Caribbean Sea, the result of an earthquake and tsunami. The carnage included a whole city, with around three thousand casualties, including Henry Morgan's mausoleum, that was not to be seen again for over 300 years.
On the morning of June 7, 1692, the Anglican church rector of St. Paul's, Dr. Emmanuel Heath, clergyman of Port Royal, in Jamaica, was running late for a lunch appointment, but a friend, John White, president of the Council of Jamaica, entreated him to delay just a while longer to discuss God's business and partake of a beverage in good cheer. Sufficiently engaged, the rector delayed a while longer than he considered prudent, a small choice that saved his life.
As his friend, John White, rambled on, the ground began to roll and rumble, and he took to fright. But his councillor friend waved off the rector’s alarm.
"Nothing to worry thyself over brother, earthquake tremors on the island pass ere quickly."
But to their surprise, the quaking gained in intensity, from a rumble to a roar, and a violent shaking - and the two men soon heard the church tower collapse into rubble, with some astonishment.
my Lord. Is this the day of reckoning, Lord?"
In accompaniment, the sky darkened to red, mountains could be seen shaking as they crumbled in the distance, and geysers of water exploded from the seams ripped in the earth. The man of God turned to see a great wall of seawater swelling high above the town, shocking his senses. Not the biblical parting of the waves for Moses, more the consumption of the following armies.
The meaning of the carnage on such a biblical scale must be that the good Lord was mightily displeased, for surely, he acts not against the interests of good honest folk, so.
Later, in a letter describing the disaster, the shocked rector wrote:
“In the space of three minutes ... Port Royal, the fairest town of all the English plantations, the best emporium and mart of this part of the world, exceeding in its riches, plentiful of all good things, was shaken and shattered to pieces.”
Contrary to contemporary thinking in sixteen ninety-two, the earth does not have a solid shell, but is rather a giant puzzle of interlocking and overlapping masses; constantly shifting tectonic plates. As these plates move gradually, maybe a few centimeters per year, they cause a buckling deformation at the plate boundaries, and pressure build up, which stressed latching leads to faults and sudden movement. An earthquake is this seismic pressure relief of the earth's crust at a fault line, in this event the epicenter was the Caribbean plate.
Such subsea vents can trigger significant ocean waves from the forces released. Many being recorded in history, the subject of much study by the likes of John Storm, and Blue Shield's Roberta Treadstone, together with her ally Professor Jacques Daccord, UNESCO, based in Newcastle, England, and Paris, France.
Due to its licentious reputation as the wickedest place on earth, Port Royal faced what to many people must have felt like Judgment Day. It certainly seemed that way to the church rector, Dr. Emmanuel Heath. In putting quill to paper, he confessed that he longed to escape the scene of the disaster but his conscience drove him to stay. He ventured into the town day after day to pray with survivors in a tent pitched amid their flattened houses, which were looted nightly by “lewd rogues.” As he wrote: “I hope by this terrible judgment, God will make them reform their lives, for there was not a more ungodly people on the face of the earth.”
The same was recorded at the watery demise of Alexandria and Thonis-Heracleion, in 365 AD. Another sinful location said to have plunged the depths of immorality. Washed clean away by a tsunami into the Mediterranean Sea.
Admiral Sir Henry Morgan retired to Jamaica, where he was a slaver, with his own plantation and many African workers. In those times, for some reason, Europeans seemed to think that enslaving another human was acceptable. They would feed them poorly and work them hard. In modern times, banks and governments working together, do something similar. Banks sell money they don't actually have. And governments tax just about everything. The net result is that a large number of citizens become financial slaves.
The Palisadoes Cemetery was located on a thin strip of sand that served as a natural protection for the harbour of Kingston Jamaica. On Tuesday the 7th of June 1692 a great earthquake caused the strip of land and the cemetery to sink beneath the sea, from a tsunami suction backwash.
Damn you for Villains, who are you? And, from whence came you? The Lieutenant made him Answer, You may see by our Colours we are no Pyrates. Black-beard bid him send his Boat on Board, that he might see who he was; but Mr. Maynard reply'd thus; I cannot spare my Boat, but I will come aboard of you as soon as I can, with my Sloop. Upon this, Black-beard took a Glass of Liquor and drank to him with these Words: Damnation seize my Soul if I give you Quarters, or take any from you. In Answer to which, Mr. Maynard told him, that he expected no Quarters from him, nor should he give him any.
PROLOGUE: ROYAL AFRICAN COMPANY - King Charles II, Royal Charter James Stuart II, transport goods from Africa: Bloody Triangle. SCENE 1. THE BATTLE OF OCRACOKE - Lt Robert Maynard, Blackbeard's curse, beheading & torturous interrogation on the Adventure SCENE 2. EARTHQUAKE JAMAICA - Present Day - An earthquake hits Port Royal, disturbing the sunken city & Palisadoes cemetery. SCENE 3. BLUE SHIELD ENGLAND - Blue Shield, Newcastle UK, UNESCO requests Storm catalogue underwater city UNEP World Heritage Site. SCENE 4. HENRY MORGAN'S DEATH - Henry Morgan has a heart attack; funeral ceremony at Palisadoes cemetery, old Port Royal. SCENE 5. SUNKEN CITY SURVEY - Present Day, Swann's sensors scan the ocean bed, revealing mausoleum former Governor of Jamaica. SCENE 6. JUNE 1692 TSUNAMI - Jamaica, June 7th, an earthquake hits Port Royal, then a tsunami washes the pirate haven under the sea. SCENE 7. HENRY MORGAN'S COFFIN - John Storm & ROV, comes face to face with Henry's skeletal remains. Finds interesting wooden engraving. SCENE
8. BBC
JILL BIRD - London. John
Storm's finds lost Henry Morgan's pirate remains. "And for those of you wondering,
there was no treasure." SCENE 10. SHIP'S COOK - William Gray helps John Long's cut-throats to crew for Huntington's Hispaniola, Long a dab hand on the galley. SCENE 11. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOS - Huntington (BGS bigwig) asks John Storm for help with shipwreck survey - meet in the Caribbean, Haiti. SCENE 12. SKELETON ISLAND - Intrigued by map proffered by Lord Huntington, John agrees to switch attention to location, to coast of Panama. . SCENE 13. SANTA CATALINA - Colombian, Mexican, Panamanian, Nicaraguan patrols re: 'Satisfaction' & hunt for Aztec gold, Spanish Conquistadors. SCENE 14. TREASURE ISLAND - Hurricane Iota erased map clues, Isla Providencia. Longstride believes location of Blackbeard's/Morgan's treasure. SCENE 15. KIDNAP - Black Jack & Billy Bones kidnap Dan, Cleopatra - lock in Hispaniola with Tremaine. Hal alerts John to events via BioCore. SCENE 16. DOUBLE CROSS - Maynard pact with Spanish Navy to blockade Caribbean to capture John & Swann. Longstride deal Aztec Golden Skull. SCENE 17. BLACKBEARD'S CURSE - John retakes Swann, Hal immobilizes Black Jack and Billy Bones and rescues prisoners on Hispaniola. SCENE 18. MORGAN'S TREASURE SHIP - John deciphers carving code helped Dan and Cybercore Genetica. Dives to find privateer's shipwreck. SCENE 19. BILLION DOLLAR DEAL - John negotiates with Panama, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador & Blue Shield for % salvage based on wreck video. SCENE 20. BLOCKADE RUNNER - Swann navigates through Spanish Armada & Royal Navy blockade in stealth mode, invisible to radar. SCENE 21. BERMUDA TRIANGLE - Pirates head into Bermuda Triangle, Colombian Navy in pursuit: BBC Sky News. Never to be seen again.
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